Discovering the Timeless Traditions of Sade Village in Lombok

Nestled in southern Lombok within Pujut District, Sade Village preserves its Sasak customs through 15 generations. With unique cultural practices like one-family weddings and traditional weaving, this village offers an immersive glimpse into Sasak heritage. Explore traditional houses, engage in local crafts, and experience the vibrant culture of this timeless village.

A Sanctuary of Tradition: Sade Village in Lombok

Nestled in the southern part of Lombok Island, within the Pujut District of Central Lombok, lies Sade Cultural Tourism Village. This serene village has preserved its traditional customs for over 15 generations, standing strong against the tides of modernization. The term "sade" in the Sasak language means medicine or consciousness, symbolizing the village’s cultural and spiritual essence.

Traditional Sasak culture
Sade village, Lombok

Sade Village exemplifies the blend of Sasak culture with Islamic teachings. Social ceremonies, including marriages, are conducted at the mosque or Baruga Sekenam near the village's entrance. A unique aspect of Sade's culture is its one-family wedding custom, ensuring that marriages occur within the tribe to preserve their cultural integrity. Additionally, the village practices a traditional form of eloping (kawin lari), where a man kidnaps his prospective bride and hides her until the families reach an agreement on the marriage.

Exploring the Cultural Richness of Sade Village

Upon entering Sade Village, visitors are warmly welcomed by local guides who provide deep insights into the village’s cultural heritage. The village features around 150 traditional houses, each with a mountain-shaped roof made from reed grass. The walls and floors are made of a clay and rice bran mixture, with woven bamboo adorning the exteriors. These homes, known as Bale Tani Gunung Ratu, are unique in both design and functionality.

Traditional Sasak culture
Peresean ( Stick fighting ), Lombok

Unlike typical exhibition spaces, the houses in Sade Village are inhabited by approximately 750 residents, all of whom share a common ancestry. One distinctive feature of these homes is the use of buffalo or cow dung on the floors, which is believed to keep them clean, strengthen them, and prevent insect infestations.

Weaving is a crucial tradition in Sade Village. Sasak women are taught the craft of weaving, known as tenun, from a young age. This skill is an essential part of their cultural preservation. Visitors can purchase beautiful woven cloths and handmade souvenirs such as key chains and accessories, with prices ranging from IDR 50,000 to IDR 400,000.

Traditional Sasak culture
Sasak Weaving, Sade village

Engaging Activities and Traditions

When visiting Sade Village, there are several engaging activities that offer a deeper understanding of the Sasak culture. One such activity is participating in traditional Sasak dances. These performances, often accompanied by traditional music, are a vibrant display of the village’s heritage and are usually held during special ceremonies and festivals.

Another fascinating tradition is the art of pot-making. Visitors can observe or even try their hand at creating traditional Sasak pottery. These clay pots, used for various purposes, are meticulously crafted and decorated, showcasing the skill and artistry of the Sasak people.

Traditional Sasak culture
Lombok Pottery

For those interested in culinary traditions, the village offers a taste of traditional Sasak cuisine. Dishes like Ayam Taliwang (spicy grilled chicken) and Plecing Kangkung (water spinach with spicy tomato sauce) are local favorites. These dishes reflect the rich flavors and culinary techniques that have been passed down through generations.

Read more : 12 Best Things to Do in Lombok

Nearby Attractions

For those eager to explore more, Ende Tourism Village is a short 3-minute drive north of Sade Village. This village also hosts the Sasak tribe but with slightly different customs. Notably, the houses in Ende have short doors, requiring visitors to bow as a sign of respect when entering.

Traditional Sasak culture
Kuta Mandalika Lombok

At sunset, make your way to Kuta Mandalika Beach, just a 15-minute drive south of Sade Village. This beach offers spectacular sunset views, crystal-clear waters, and pristine white sand stretching over 7.2 kilometers. It’s an ideal spot to conclude your cultural journey on Lombok Island, offering both natural beauty and a serene atmosphere.

How to Get There

Sade Village is conveniently accessible from downtown Mataram, with a travel time of about 1 to 1.5 hours by car. From Lombok International Airport, the village is just a 25 to 30-minute drive. Since public transportation does not reach Sade Village, renting a car or motorbike is recommended.

To make the most of your visit, consider hiring a local guide who can provide valuable insights and enrich your experience. The guides, often residents of the village, offer a personal touch and a wealth of knowledge about the area’s history, culture, and traditions.

Traditional Sasak culture
Gendang Beleq, Lombok traditional music


Sade Village is a living testament to traditional Sasak culture, providing visitors with an immersive cultural experience. From unique marriage customs and traditional homes to the enduring art of weaving, the village offers a rich tapestry of traditions. Nearby attractions like Ende Tourism Village and Kuta Mandalika Beach further enhance the experience, making a visit to Sade Village a must for anyone exploring Lombok Island.

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